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Pit Stop

Good morning!

Exodus 16 : 13 - 15 (NIV) " That evening quail came and covered the camp, and in the morning there was a layer of dew around the camp. When the dew was gone, thin flakes like frost on the ground appeared on the desert floor. When the Israelites saw it, they said to each other, “What is it?” For they did not know what it was."

When God rescued the Israelites from Egypt, along the journey He brought them to the Desert of Sin for a purifying season - You can read the whole chapter of Exodus 16. The Desert of Sin is actually located in the valley / rocky terrain between Elim and Mount Sinai, the name of it actually refers to periods of trial, testing, and dependence on God.

Some of us maybe on that transition too and probably we ask about the same thing as the Israelites: “What is it?”

“What is it?” - it's a common question, isn't it? or for me, at least it is more like "Oh my God, what is it now Lord? I don't understand at all." be it in daily conversations on work / the season that I'm in / or parenting 😄.

You see, when God gave Manna to the Israelites, they had no idea what it is. That is when I realized that God gave them something new on that season - maybe this is for you too. God did not give Manna to mock the Israelites, but rather to teach them something new, that they could live or survive with it.

If you are in that season, probably God wants to give you something new too.

If God gives you a child, then God calls you to be a Dad or Mom and is not easy but God is speaking to you today and He is telling you that "You will live just fine!".

If God gives you a new source of income or a new way to work or a new idea, that means you'll make it! He has been with you the whole time!

Jesus loves you always ❤️

Have a great week ahead !

Love & Blessings -

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